Thursday, October 20, 2011

Controversy of Pledge of Allegiance in Schools

 The writer Priya Johnson starts of with a brief history of the Pledge of Allegiance and how it was founded. She then goes in deeper and talks about how the words "under god" in the pledge actually have started some controversy in some of the states. Before she says anything about any different type of religion she goes into talking about what the phrase "under god" could mean to different people. Whether its the belief in monotheism, which is belief of one god or supreme being, or even that there is a higher power guiding the country in the direction we want. She brings up a survey of how many Christians there are in the US and how its plummeted in the years past, she also surveys how much the Atheist population has grown. Lastly she talks of how people "forced" to say the pledge feel its a violation of the 1st amendment.

I chose this because its a topic that I had the choice of researching in class and its also something that's been kind of eating at my brain since. I don't understand why we're in America and we're all American citizens and we're questioning a phrase that's been given to us to help establish pride in our country. People have died and are dying right now for are flag that we pledge to. Every time we oppose that phrase those people probably are giving us a mean look. We need to just accept it and move on, we're a country with bigger problems than this. That's what people don't see. Johnson wrote in a very clear way, she didn't criticize anyone for their belief, she simply just informed people that there was a matter that some people believe need to be heard and explained it in a clear cut way.   

Evan Giannakas


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