Sunday, October 30, 2011

Troy Davis Executed After Stay Denied by Supreme Court

This article  is about a man named Troy Davis being executed September 21,2011 at 11:08pm. Troy Davis was executed for the murder of a police officer Mark Mac Phail that happened in 1989. Troy Davis was executed by lethal injection. He spent his last days reading mail from his supports all over the world and enjoying visits with his family. Officer Mark Phail family watched while  Troy Davis was being strapped to a gurney. In fact both families watched the whole execution. The families said his eyes  fluttered as he was given the first injection. They said the process lasted 15 minutes until he was pronounced dead.   Troy Davis had asked for  a last minute stay of execution and he was denied. Troy Davis spent 20 years in a Georgia State Prison before he was executed. Troy Davis remained innocent until he was executed. His final words to the officers family was "Let you know, despite the situation you are in, I'm not the one who personally killed your son,your father,your brother". Troy Davis also asked his friends and family to continue to fight this fight. While reading the article I noticed that the writing strategy was quotes. The author got most of his information from witnesses and the victim himself . I also noticed that the genre was informative.
Dominique Haskins

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