Friday, September 30, 2011

Deformed Puppy, Rescued from Trash, Learns how to Walk by Laura T. Coffey

      As I was searching the web I stumbled upon an article that caught my eye.  I saw a cute little picture of a puppy on my homepage and I thought I should check it out.  Little did I know that I would find an article about the brave story of a thrown away animal left fort dead that conquered all odds and made a full recovery thanks to the kindness of a single person.  This story touched me as it would any normal persson and I thought it would be good to share with the rest of the internet world.

      In the article, a woman by the name of Erica Daniel, had encountered a man with a trash bag.  The trashbag however seemed to have more than just trash in it.  It appeared that it was moving and squirming.  She asked "what's in the bag" and he replied, "don't worry about it." But after consistently questioning the man he finally just gave her the bag and went on his way.  Erica looked in the bag and found a puppy that was just sprolled out as if it were dead.  The puppy apparently had swimmer puppu syndrome.  Erica took the puppy in as her own and raised it back to perfect health with no reward in return other than knowing that she just saved another life forms well being.  Her selflessness should be remembered and embraced by all.

    The way the article was written was quite interesting.  At first the author introduced the person, Erica Daniels, and described a little about her.  Later on she introduced the puppy as a part of Erica's world.  I was expecting it to be the other way around.  And the final icing on the cake was the ending.  Like all good stories you always leave the reader wanting to know more and in the end of this story, Coffey does just that.  Erica Daniels was asked if she was going to keep Harper, the puppy, and she responded I'm not sure yet, I want to give her up for adoption but I'd hat e to see her go.  Written like a true artist.

      This article has truly touched me the way a sad sappy story should.  It starts off with a terrible tragedy and then builds into this wonderful plot of an attempt at rescue and finally the taste of sweet success.  It makes me think of what a modern day hero is and I see Erica Daniels as fitting under that category.

Ryder Corey


  1. I like yours because the intro, you give more of an idea on how you found the article than just jumping right into it. I also like the story it was a good pick. Also the summary was well written.

  2. I love this piece of writing. The language is just exquisite, and you made good use of all the details in writing this epic ode to the deformed puppy. Bravo!!!

    -Ben Ruesch

  3. I really like this article. I love reading about people who save animals in need, makes me feel good that there are people in the world that care enough.
    I have to say, when I read "swimming puppy syndrome", I did in face google it and watch a few videos on youtube.
    Good work!
