Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Animals Run Wild

I was on my way to school when i first heard the story of animals escaping from a zoo in Ohio. Now, this is not something you hear everyday so I had to actually turn up the volume on the radio for the once in a great while. I sat there in traffic with this huge smile on my face listening to this story that I could not help but find funny. When I finally decided to switch the station to find some actual music this story was being told on pretty every station I encountered. This is not a story that is suppose to be funny, or amusing but is actually quit sad when it comes down to it.

On October 18th 56 exotic animals escaped from a zoo in Muskingum County. 49 of these animals were killed, one was never found, and then the remaining six animals were rescued by officers. As for the owner of this zoo he was found dead in his house. It was assumed that he had let all of these dangerous animals out of their cages before taking his own life. However, the animals he had caged in his house were the only ones never let loose. Overall, it is just so sad that due to somebody letting all of these beautiful animals out - a baboon, three leopards , three grizzly bears, three monkeys, three wolves, three mountain lions, six black bears, eight female lions, nine males lions, and eighteen tigers- that so many animals had to be hunted down and killed.

As I heard this story the thing that made me smile was hearing about such an odd story and imagining driving down the street or looking out my windows to see exotic animals just roaming freely. Due to all of this schools had to be closed down. Then, the surrounding highways had signs up saying "Exotic Animals, drive slow, stay in the vehicle". The thought of just driving down the highway and reading these signs just seemed like the funniest thing to me, but at the end of the day it really is not that funny when you think of all the innocent animals killed because Ohio did not have the animal rescue teams necessary for the job. Moral of this story, Ohio needs to get some rules on regulating the sale and ownership of such animals because at this point in time there are no rules.

This story to me deserved to be considered one of the best writings on the webs simply because of the story itself. It is an amusing piece that definitely catches your attention. This was one of the rare stories you do not hear about often because if does not happen often and that alone made this piece stand out from others I have read.

-Britney Villafane


  1. When I read your post, I found it funny as well. But, then as I read about how most of the animals had to be killed and the man took his own life, I became sad. That is just an awful thing to happen. Not only were many animals killed, but a man took his own life. It is such a terrible thing for someone to be so unhappy with their life that they would kill themselves. That poor man. I wish he had the support he needed to get through his problems. However, I do not get the point of him letting some of the animals loose. What did he hope to accomplish by doing this? I also can't imagine driving down the highway seeing a flashing sign saying "Beware of exotic animals." I probably would chuckle and think to myself, "What the heck is going on?" It is just not something you hear or see everyday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is so sad. I cannot believe this many animals were killed or have not been found. It is also heartbreaking that the zookeeper took his own life. Hopefully this zoo can rebuild and become a well run zoo again.

    -Angeli Hajali

  4. I really like this story. I does sound funny at first, but when you got talked about how they had to put down the animals because they were to dangerous and running wild, I literally was reading with a sad face. It's a sad story, I love animals and to think about all these beautiful animals, that could have easily been brought to a sanctuary are dead, along with their owner.
    I like that you also added the picture at the bottom, gives me some sort of idea of what it would be like to drive down the street and see that.

    - Kristen Carraher

  5. When I read your post, I found it funny as well. But, then as I read about how most of the animals had to be killed and the man took his own life, I became sad. That is just an awful thing to happen. Not only were many animals killed, but a man took his own life. It is such a terrible thing for someone to be so unhappy with their life that they would kill themselves. That poor man. I wish he had the support he needed to get through his problems. However, I do not get the point of him letting some of the animals loose. What did he hope to accomplish by doing this? I also can't imagine driving down the highway seeing a flashing sign saying "Beware of exotic animals." I probably would chuckle and think to myself, "What the heck is going on?" It is just not something you hear or see everyday.

    -forgot my name! Bridget Meehan

  6. I had actually not heard about this story until I saw it on here. I completely agree that stricter rules need to be put into place regarding the sale, and ownership of exotic animals. It is extrememly sad that so many animals had to die in order to get this situation under control, but like you said, I found it very difficult not to laugh about. It is almost like a scene out of a movie, where you are just driving down the highway, and out of nowhere a lion just crosses your path. I am very glad you posted this article and I had the chance to read it.
    -Ariana Darcy
